Class: Relyze::Graph::Graph
- Inherits:
- Object
- Relyze::Graph::Graph
- Defined in:
- C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb
A base class representing a graph.
Direct Known Subclasses
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#data_map ⇒ Object
- Hash
A hash map of data objects to their associated Node.
#display ⇒ Object
- Hash
A hash of display properties for this graph.
#name ⇒ Object
- String
Gets this graph's name.
#nodes ⇒ Object
- Array<Relyze::Graph::Node>
An array of node objects.
#root ⇒ Object
- Relyze::Graph::Node, nil
This graphs root node (if any).
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #_new_edge(lhs, rhs, data) ⇒ Object protected
- #_new_node(id, data) ⇒ Object protected
#analyze ⇒ true, false
Analyze this graph in order to calculate the dominator's, post dominator's, dominance frontiers and control dependencies of this graphs nodes.
#color2html(color) ⇒ String
Helper method to convert a Integer color to a HTML color string.
#complexity ⇒ Integer
Calculate this graphs cyclomatic complexity.
#create_edge(lhs, rhs, data = nil) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Edge
Create a new Edge in this graph between two nodes.
#create_node(data = nil) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Node
Create a new Node in this graph.
#directed? ⇒ true, false
Is this a directed graph?.
#dominator_tree ⇒ nil, Relyze::Graph::Graph
Create a new dominator tree for this graph.
#find_node(data) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Node?
Find an existing node with an associated data object.
#find_or_create_node(data) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Node
Either find an existing node with an associated data object and if not found, create a new node and associate it with a data object.
#generate_random(node_count = 128, edge_count = 8) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Graph
Generate a random collection of nodes and edges for this graph.
#initialize(name = '', display = {}) ⇒ Graph
A new instance of Graph.
#layout(opts = { :layout => :hierarchical, :direction => :topdown }) ⇒ true, false
Run a layout algorithm over this graph to set the node and edge display positions.
#post_dominator_tree ⇒ nil, Relyze::Graph::Graph
Create a new post dominator tree for this graph.
#svg_escape(text) ⇒ String
SVG escape a string.
#to_dot ⇒ String
Export this graph object as a DOT graph.
#to_svg ⇒ String
Export this graph object as a SVG element, suitable for embedding in HTML.
#topological_sort ⇒ nil, Array<Relyze::Graph::Node>
Perform a topological sort on this graphs nodes from its root node.
Constructor Details
#initialize(name = '', display = {}) ⇒ Graph
Returns a new instance of Graph
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 31 def initialize( name='', display={} ) @name = name @root = nil @nodes = [] @data_map = {} @next_id = 0 @display = { :graph_color => display.fetch( :graph_color, '#FFFFFF' ), :font_name => display.fetch( :font_name, 'Courier New' ), :font_size => display.fetch( :font_size, 10 ), :font_color => display.fetch( :font_color, '#000000' ), :font_justify => display.fetch( :font_justify, :left ), :node_padding => display.fetch( :node_padding, 20 ), :node_spacing => nil, :graph_x => 0.0, :graph_y => 0.0, :graph_width => 0.0, :graph_height => 0.0 }.merge!( display ) end |
Instance Attribute Details
#data_map ⇒ Object (readonly)
- Hash
A hash map of data objects to their associated Node.
18 19 20 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 18 def data_map @data_map end |
#display ⇒ Object (readonly)
- Hash
A hash of display properties for this graph.
21 22 23 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 21 def display @display end |
#name ⇒ Object
- String
Gets this graph's name.
24 25 26 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 24 def name @name end |
#nodes ⇒ Object (readonly)
- Array<Relyze::Graph::Node>
An array of node objects.
15 16 17 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 15 def nodes @nodes end |
#root ⇒ Object
- Relyze::Graph::Node, nil
This graphs root node (if any).
27 28 29 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 27 def root @root end |
Instance Method Details
#_new_edge(lhs, rhs, data) ⇒ Object (protected)
[View source]
353 354 355 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 353 def _new_edge( lhs, rhs, data ) return self, lhs, rhs, data ) end |
#_new_node(id, data) ⇒ Object (protected)
[View source]
349 350 351 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 349 def _new_node( id, data ) return self, id, data ) end |
#analyze ⇒ true, false
Analyze this graph in order to calculate the dominator's, post dominator's, dominance frontiers and control dependencies of this graphs nodes.
180 181 182 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 180 def analyze return false end |
#color2html(color) ⇒ String
Helper method to convert a Integer color to a HTML color string
327 328 329 330 331 332 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 327 def color2html( color ) red = (color >> 0) & 0xFF green = (color >> 8) & 0xFF blue = (color >> 16) & 0xFF return "#%02X%02X%02X" % [ red, green, blue ] end |
#complexity ⇒ Integer
Calculate this graphs cyclomatic complexity.
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 62 def complexity p = 1 edges = 0 @nodes.each do | node | if( node.indegree == 0 ) if( node != @root ) p += 1 end end edges += node.outdegree end return edges - @nodes.size + (2 * p) end |
#create_edge(lhs, rhs, data = nil) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Edge
Create a new Edge in this graph between two nodes.
140 141 142 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 140 def create_edge( lhs, rhs, data=nil ) return self._new_edge( lhs, rhs, data ) end |
#create_node(data = nil) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Node
Create a new Node in this graph.
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 103 def create_node( data=nil ) node = self._new_node( @next_id, data ) @nodes << node if( not data.nil? ) @data_map[data] = node end @next_id += 1 return node end |
#directed? ⇒ true, false
Is this a directed graph?
55 56 57 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 55 def directed? return false end |
#dominator_tree ⇒ nil, Relyze::Graph::Graph
Create a new dominator tree for this graph. You must call #analyze prior to calling this method, to ensure the required dominator information is available. The data property for each node in the dominator tree holds its corresponding node from the original graph.
208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 208 def dominator_tree dom_tree = "%s - Dominator Tree" % [] ) @nodes.each do | node | if( node.immediate_dominator.nil? ) next end dg_curr_node = dom_tree.find_or_create_node( node ) dg_idom_node = dom_tree.find_or_create_node( node.immediate_dominator ) if( dg_curr_node == dg_idom_node ) next end dom_tree.create_edge( dg_idom_node, dg_curr_node ) end return dom_tree end |
#find_node(data) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Node?
Find an existing node with an associated data object.
117 118 119 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 117 def find_node( data ) return @data_map.fetch( data, nil ) end |
#find_or_create_node(data) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Node
Either find an existing node with an associated data object and if not found, create a new node and associate it with a data object.
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 126 def find_or_create_node( data ) node = self.find_node( data ) if( node.nil? ) node = self.create_node( data ) end return node end |
#generate_random(node_count = 128, edge_count = 8) ⇒ Relyze::Graph::Graph
Generate a random collection of nodes and edges for this graph.
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 81 def generate_random( node_count=128, edge_count=8 ) prng = 0.upto( prng.rand( node_count ) ) do | i | node = self.create_node( i ) end @nodes.each do | node | if( prng.rand( 2 ) == 0 ) 0.upto( prng.rand( edge_count ) ) do self.create_edge( node, @nodes[ prng.rand( @nodes.length ) ] ) end end end return self end |
#layout(opts = { :layout => :hierarchical, :direction => :topdown }) ⇒ true, false
Run a layout algorithm over this graph to set the node and edge display positions.
172 173 174 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 172 def layout( opts={ :layout => :hierarchical, :direction => :topdown } ) return false end |
#post_dominator_tree ⇒ nil, Relyze::Graph::Graph
Create a new post dominator tree for this graph. You must call #analyze prior to calling this method, to ensure the required dominator information is available. The data property for each node in the dominator tree holds its corresponding node from the original graph.
237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 237 def post_dominator_tree dom_tree = "%s - Post Dominator Tree" % [] ) @nodes.each do | node | if( node.immediate_post_dominator.nil? ) next end dg_curr_node = dom_tree.find_or_create_node( node ) dg_idom_node = dom_tree.find_or_create_node( node.immediate_post_dominator ) if( dg_curr_node == dg_idom_node ) next end dom_tree.create_edge( dg_idom_node, dg_curr_node ) end return dom_tree end |
#svg_escape(text) ⇒ String
SVG escape a string.
337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 337 def svg_escape( text ) text.gsub!( "&", "&" ) text.gsub!( "<", "<" ) text.gsub!( ">", ">" ) text.gsub!( "\"", """ ) text.gsub!( "'", "'" ) text.gsub!( " ", " " ) return text end |
#to_dot ⇒ String
Export this graph object as a DOT graph.
298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 298 def to_dot dot = "" dot << "%s {\r\n" % [ ( self.directed? ? 'digraph' : 'graph' ) ] dot << "\tbgcolor=\"%s\"\r\n" % @display[:graph_color] @nodes.each do | node | dot << node.to_dot node.edges.each do | edge | next if edge.lhs != node dot << edge.to_dot end end dot << "}\r\n" return dot end |
#to_svg ⇒ String
Export this graph object as a SVG element, suitable for embedding in HTML.
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 263 def to_svg svg = "<svg " svg << "width=\"%f\" " % @display[:graph_width] svg << "height=\"%f\" " % @display[:graph_height] svg << "viewBox=\"%f %f %f %f\" " % [ @display[:graph_x] - (@display[:graph_width] / 2.0), @display[:graph_y] - (@display[:graph_height] / 2.0), @display[:graph_width], @display[:graph_height] ] svg << "preserveAspectRatio=\"xMinYMin meet\" " svg << "xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" " svg << "style=\"background-color:%s;\" " % @display[:graph_color] svg << ">" svg << "<g class=\"relyze_graph\" transform=\"scale(1 1) rotate(0)\">" @nodes.each do | node | svg << node.to_svg node.edges.each do | edge | next if edge.lhs != node svg << edge.to_svg end end svg << "</g>" svg << "</svg>" return svg end |
#topological_sort ⇒ nil, Array<Relyze::Graph::Node>
Perform a topological sort on this graphs nodes from its root node. This is equivalent to depth first search in reverse post order.
188 189 190 |
# File 'C:/Program Files/Relyze/lib/relyze/core/graph.rb', line 188 def topological_sort return nil end |